Dallas Pawn Shop
Dallas Pawn Shop
Dallas Pawn Shop 503-837-1664
We are a state licensed pawnshop offering 60 day loans, we also buy and sell. We specialize in buying gold and silver, antiques, collectibles, cameras, coins, bullion, video game systems, jewelry, musical instruments, laptop computers and tablets, Sporting goods, TVs, tools, toys, and much more
About Dallas Pawn Shop
We Buy & Sell Gold & Silver. Coins, Jewelry, broken or not. Highest price paid. It is based on 2 factors karat and weight. 10k, 14k, 18k, 22k, 24k, the lower the karat the lower gold content. We have state of the art testing equipment. Industry certified digital scale. Free quote no obligation. We also by luxury watches such as Rolex.
Contact Dallas Pawn Shop Let's talk!

Business Hours

Mon, Thu, Fri
Tue - Wed
Sat - Sun
1385 E Ellendale Ave , Dallas , 97338, OR

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